About Me

Anna Mrukwa

I am a student at Silesian University of Technology, Poland. Besides the studies, I mostly perform data analysis in projects for Healthcare connected to my university. I try to not only master the languages and technologies connected to this area, but also involve universal software solutions in my projects. I plan on continuing my Machine Learning journey while implementing good habits from other domains as well.

My Career

Cufix PL

I work at Cufix PL. I am involved in creating solutions for object detection for autonomous vehicles as well as camera systems. We also create Polish blog on computer vision topics.

Apr. 2021
Junior Deep Learning Engineer

Silesian University of Technology

I study at AEI Faculty, Interdisciplinary studies entailing automatic control and robotics, electronics and telecommunication, informatics. I plan to major in Data Science.

Oct. 2019
Bachelor studies

My Skills

My Projects

K-means in Python

I strived to follow the scikit-learn pipelines during the algorithm implementation. To make visualization possible, I also implemented PCA algorithm. I programmed different initialization methods, as well as Dunn Index to find the optimal number of clusters. To validate the results, I wrote k-cross validation.

K-means in C++

For this project, I started with designing the ML canvas, which helped me define the scope of the project. I implemented most of the necessary classes by myself, letting the user choose the initialization method, distance metrics, index for finding the optimal number of classes. I also implemented the PCA algorithm alongside the k-means. The whole code was consistently unit tested.

Conway Game of Life

In this project I wrote a simple conway game of life in C. Moreover, I tried some basics of continous integration using appveyor.


A hangman game for both one and two players. I took care of version control and managed to make an integrated release of both program and dictionary file.

Shortest Path Search

The project is an implementation of Dijkstra algorithm in C++. The whole program can be invoked from the command line, providing additional guidance to the user. Moreover, I automatized the unit tests, as well as releases, with the usage of custom Github Actions via workflows I prepared.

Spam detection

In this project I built a simple spam detection application for e-mails using a SVM model and Bag of Words. Then I deployed it with Flask and Docker.

Mask detection

I built a simple Random Forest Classifier checking if on the face (previously detected by openCV DNN) there is a mask, correctly placed. The program marks the face as well as annotate the result. I deployed the model as Docker container with Flask. The app runs on images, as well as live stream video.

Projects in Progress

RCB compare

This project aims to compare two treatment methods based on their Residual Cancer Burden scores. I create the shiny web application and containerise it with Dockerfile using multistage build.

Enrichment analysis

I implement popular enrichment analysis methods in R. I check my results with packages such as tmod and use unit tests. To speed up permutation tests in some of the methods, I implement parallel computations.